Glow Blogs
#OnlineSafetyAtHome Packs
Some great packs from Think You Know about internet safety: Ages 4-5 Ages 5-7 Ages 8-10 Ages 11-13
27.04.20 Primary 3 Home Learning
Good Morning Everyone! Here is today's home learning grid. I will post each day and any links or resources you might need here on the blog and on our new Facebook page. I would love to see any photos of your learning too! The link for this afternoons yoga ♀️ - Have a lovely ... Continue reading 27.04.20 Primary 3 Home Learning →
28.04.20 Primary 3 Home Learning
Good Morning Primary 3! I hope you are all safe and well. Thank you for all the photos of your learning you've shared on our new Facebook, I have loved seeing all your smiling faces . Here is today's learning grid and the links to your reading books that you will need . Morpurgo's - ... Continue reading 28.04.20 Primary 3 Home Learning →
A Look Around our School - A Riverside tour for our new families
For all our new families joining us in August, take a look around our remarkable school. Our School: A look inside Go to this Sway
Bedtime Story
Tonight's bedtime story is read by Mrs Jagla. Hope you enjoy it
Bedtime Story
Every evening at 7pm, a different member of staff will read you a bedtime story and the video will be posted on here. These will start tonight and be posted Monday-Thursday. I hope you enjoy them and are all keeping safe and well
Bedtime story
Tonight's bedtime story is read by Miss Nichols. We hope you enjoy it ⭐
Daily PE Challenge
Come on @wlriverside_ps - how many can you do? Bottle flipping is not my forte but I'm going to keep practicing! — laura j (@PE_MrsJagla) May 1, 2020
Daily PE Challenge
Primary PE Daily Challenge Day 5 Today's challenge comes from @MrsReidPE. All you need is 1 toilet roll and a timer. How many can you do in 30 seconds?#coordination #reactiontime #concentration — West Lothian Primary PE Network (@WLPENetwork) April 30, 2020
Daily PE Challenge
Primary PE Challenge Day 4 Today's challenge is courtesy of @PEwithMrMillar. You will need as many toilet rolls as you can get your hands on and a timer. How high can you stack your toilet rolls in one minute using only your feet?!#WLHWBathome #flexibility #coordination — West Lothian Primary PE Network (@WLPENetwork) April 29, ... Continue reading Daily PE Challenge →