At Craigshill Primary Schools, we know how important reading is and had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day! We dressed up as our favourite book characters, made book character puppets, wrote and illustrated our own stories and participated in some fun book related quizzes. We can't wait to get a book with our World [...]
On Thursday 6th March, Letham ELC celebrated World Book Day with a Bookbug session. We had Alistair, a nursery grandparent in to read us a story and we spoke about our favourite books as the children dressed up as different characters! We even had another special visitor in to see all of the AM & [...]
On Thursday 27th February the school and parents joined P7 for their Romans themed class assembly. P7 have chosen to learn about life in Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero this term, and decided to showcase their learning by making videos around the theme of popular TV shows. Pupils did an excellent job at [...]